Stuff: Fed + Fit Blog


Has anyone else checked out the blog Fed +Fit by Cassy Joy Garcia? I’ve just discovered it and let me tell you, GIRL CRUSH TIME! She is amazing! Her blog is filled with fantastically yummy things to eat that keep you healthy and satisfied, IF you’re paleo (mostly) that is. After stumbling onto the blog,  I recently discovered her Snapchat account, which is kind of a big deal because dude, I’m like 40-something and all these newfangled apps can sometimes be out of my realm. Like, I don’t even know what half of the new slang means and I’ve given up watching MTV because I don’t know any of the performers anymore. (Insert frowny face that no amount of Botox can remedy)…but I digress.

Back to Snapchat. If you haven’t checked out Cassy Joy’s account, it is a must do! There is something soooooo cute about her, when she talks for her dog ‘Gus’, I end up having a big dorky grin on my face. I love her quirkiness and her passion for helping others and she literally makes me happy, how great is that?!


Hello there!

Welcome hand drawn lettering against watercolor background. EPS 8 vector

Hi fine people! I’m getting revved up to start this thing, even though I know nothing about blogging and highly doubt people will even read it but it’s a place for me to put some thoughts on products I love, things I love to stare at (i.e., shiny things!), and book reviews. I’m an avid reader or I should say I would like to be but busy-ness seems to get in the way of aaaallllllllll the reading I’d like to actually do. But I do make time, oh yes, even if it’s a chapter a day, I work my way through. I’m a murder mystery type of gal but am not averse to good old contemporary fiction and historical novels as well. I like the idea of self-help books, parenting books, and health/recipe books but darn if I can see my way to the end of them (or the middle…or even the 2nd chapter, oops!).  I hope if you’re reading this, you’ll hang with me while I figure this whole thing out, and even enjoy a post or two along the way. Cheers!
